Battery not the issue with dreamliners

Airline safety inspectors have found no faults with the battery used on Boeing's 787 Dreamliner.

2000 year-old shipwreck containing natural medicines discovered

Archeologists discovered a wooden box full of medicine in a 2000 year-old sunken ship off the coast of Tuscany.

दृष्टिबिहीनहरुलाई कृतिम आँखा

बिज्ञान र प्रबिधिले यसरी फड्को मरिराखेको छ कि अहिले चस्मा लगाउनेहरुको लागि दृष्टि सुधार्ने लेजर अपरेसन (lasrik eye operation) प्रबिधि त काठमांडौको तिलगंगा आँखा अस्पतालमा सुरु भईसकेको हो।

Iran launches a monkey into space

Iran says it has successfully sent a monkey into space. The primate travelled in a Pishgam rocket, which reached an altitude of some 120km (75 miles) for a sub-orbital flight before returning its shipment intact.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

अन्तरीक्षमा पठाइयो मुसा र छेपारो

रुसले झण्डै एक सयवटा मुसा तथा छेपारो लगायतका जिवजन्तुलाई अन्तरीक्षमा पठाएको छ । रुसी अन्तरीक्ष संस्था रसकसमसका अनुसार शुक्रबार सय भन्दा बढि जिउँदा ‘मुसा अन्तरीक्षयात्री’ सहितका जिवजन्तु हालेर एक अन्तरीक्ष यान प्रक्षेपण गरिएको छ ।

कजाकस्तानको बैकोनुर स्पेस सेन्टरबाट रुसी समय अनुसार दिउसो २ बजे सोयुज २.१ ए नामक यान प्रक्षेपण गरिएको हो । यानमा यात्रीका रुपमा मुसा, छेपारो, शंखेकिरा सँगै विभिन्न खालका ब्याक्टेरिया, वनस्पती तथा बिउबिजन समेत पठाइएको छ ।

रोचक कुरा त के भने अन्तरीक्षयान प्रक्षेपण गर्नु अघि पठाउन लागिएको एउटा मुसा अर्को मुसाको आक्रमणमा परी मृत्यु भएपछि फेरी अर्को मुसा थप्नुपरेको थियो ।

स्मरण रहोस् यसरी अन्तरीक्षमा विभिन्न खाले साना जनावर पठाइएको यो सन् २००७ यताको पहिलो हो । त्यतिबेला यस्तै जिवजन्तु सहितको यानले अन्तरीक्षमा १२ दिन बिताएको थियो । यो रुसी यान आउँदो मे १८ मा पृथ्वीमा फर्किनेछ । अन्तरीक्षमा रहँदा यो यानभित्र लगिएका जनावरमा विभिन्न खाले ७० प्रकारका परीक्षण गरिनेछ ।

Battery Low? Give your mobile some water

A power source for your mobile phone can now be as close as the nearest tap, stream, or even a puddle, with the world's first water-activated charging device.

Based on micro fuel cell technology developed at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, the MyFC PowerTrekk uses ordinary water to extend battery life for devices of up to 3 watts.

Anders Lundblad, KTH researcher and founder of MyFC, says that the device can be powered by fresh or seawater. The water need not be completely clean.

"Our invention has great potential to accelerate social development in emerging markets," Lundblad says. "There are large areas that lack electricity, while mobile phones fulfill more and more vital functions, such as access to weather information or electronic payment."

A USB connector attaches the compact PowerTrekk charger to the device. When plain water is poured onto a small disposable metal disc inside the unit, hydrogen gas is released and combines with oxygen to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The resulting charge is enough to power an iPhone to between 25 and 100 per cent of its battery capacity.

Lundblad has done research on micro fuel cells and small flat Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells for more than 15 years at the Department of Applied Electrochemistry at KTH. He says the business vision behind MyFC is to commercialize fuel cell technology and contribute to the development of environmental technology.