Photos/Credits: Moveo/Solent News
Airline safety inspectors have found no faults with the battery used on Boeing's 787 Dreamliner.
Archeologists discovered a wooden box full of medicine in a 2000 year-old sunken ship off the coast of Tuscany.
बिज्ञान र प्रबिधिले यसरी फड्को मरिराखेको छ कि अहिले चस्मा लगाउनेहरुको लागि दृष्टि सुधार्ने लेजर अपरेसन (lasrik eye operation) प्रबिधि त काठमांडौको तिलगंगा आँखा अस्पतालमा सुरु भईसकेको हो।
Iran says it has successfully sent a monkey into space. The primate travelled in a Pishgam rocket, which reached an altitude of some 120km (75 miles) for a sub-orbital flight before returning its shipment intact.
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, engineer, physicist and futurist best known for his invention of the modern alternating current (AC) supply system. Besides he has contributions on induction coil, transformers, magnetic field concept, free-energy concept, radio technology, wireless communication, etc. One of his idea is highly appreciated quoted as "Electric power is present everywhere in unlimited quantities and is like the air we breath. Everyone should be able to use it for free". However his such ideas never came to reality because of lack of financial backing and politics.
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Our weight is different at day and night:
Our body's weight is more at day time than at night time because at night both earth and sun attracts towards the same direction while at daytime the sun attracts in opposite direction to that of earth.
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गर्भमै आवाज सुन्छ बच्चाले:
वैज्ञानिकहरुले बच्चाले जन्मिनु तिन महिना अघि नै पाठेघरमा रहेको अवस्थामा बाहिरी वातावरणको आवाज सुन्ने तथ्य पत्ता लगाएका छन् ।
फ्रान्सेली वैज्ञानिकहरुले बच्चाले गर्भमै बाहिरको आवाज सुनेर चिन्नसक्ने दाबी गरेका हुन् । युनिभर्सिटी अफ पिकार्डीका शोधकर्ताहरुले २८ हप्ताको गर्भको अप्टिकल स्क्यानिङ गरी यो कुराको प्रमाणित गरेका हुन् ।
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